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Tag: Mississippi River

JR 3 Sank

JR 3 Sank

Photo: ktvi
Photo: ktvi

On June 20, 2014, the towboat JR 3 sank on the Mississippi River near Wood River, Illinois.  The vessel quickly sank from an unknown cause.  All three crewman on board were able to abandon ship before the vessel sank.  No reports of injuries.  Local authorities arrived on scene and deployed booms around the vessel.   A short time later fuel and pollution was spotted coming from the sunken JR 3.   Reports state a salvage plan is being worked on to raise the JR 3.  The Coast Guard has launched an investigation into the incident.

Collision on Mississippi

Collision on Mississippi


The 52 meter long towboat collided with the  tanker barge E2MS303 on the Mississippi River near Vacherie,  Louisiana.  The Lindsay Ann Erickson was pushing grain barges and was moving out of the navigation lanes when it struck one of two barges being pushed by the 27 meter long towboat Hannah C. Settoon.  The tanker barge ruptured spilling light crude into the river.



A light sheen of oil was reported, but the amount released was not yet known.   The Coast Guard stopped traffic on a 65 mile stretch of the river until the pollution could be cleaned up.  The cause of the collision is under investigation.  No reports of injuries.

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Stephen L. Colby

Stephen L. Colby

Stephen L Colby

The 47 meter long, 597 gt towboat Stephen L. Colby sank on the Mississippi River near Le Claire, Iowa.  The towboat was proceeding along the river when it struck a submerged object.  The vessel’s hull was damaged and suffered water ingress.  The Stephen L. Colby was able to reach the riverbank where it sank in 14 feet of water.  No reports of injuries to the 9 crew on board.  The towboat released fuel and lubricant oil into the river.  The Coast Guard placed 3,000 feet of absorbent booms around the partially sunken vessel.  Reports state the vessel had some 89,000 gallons of diesel fuel and oil on board at the time.  River traffic was halted for a short time to allow clean up operations.  Officials from the Coast Guard and United States Environmental Protection Agency have launched an investigation into the incident.


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