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Tag: MSC Idil

MSC Idil

MSC Idil

The 275 meter long, 61153 dwt container ship MSC Idil suffered an explosion while off San Juan, Puerto Rico.   The explosion was caused by some welding work on board.   The container ship suffered damage to the hull, fuel tank and cargo hold resulting in water ingress.  The vessel began to list, but the crew were able to engage the pumps and bring the flooding under control.   The crew contacted the Coast Guard who dispatched a helicopter and a vessel to the scene.   Reports state some of the 25 crew on board were injured in the explosion.    No pollution was released in to the water.  The Coast Guard is monitoring the situation as the MSC Idil has some 588,000 gallons of fuel oil and 62,0000 gallons of diesel fuel on board.

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