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Tag: New York

The Pushy Sank

The Pushy Sank

Photo: USCG
Photo: USCG

The 26 foot long tugboat Pushy sank off Long Island, New York.  The tug was towing a 125 foot long barge when it was struck by a 10 foot swell.  The tug sank parting the towline and sending the barge adrift.  The three crew on board the Pushy were rescued by the nearby tug Susan Miller.  The barge  washed up on a sandy beach at Atlantic Beach, Long Island.  The single crewman on the barge was lifted to safety by a NYPD helicopter.  The barge had equipment and materials bound for a nearby shipyard.

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The 656 foot long bulk freighter Orsula went aground on Lake Ontario off Tibbetts Point, New York.  The bulker was en route to Montreal from Duluth with 21,000 tons of wheat when it was awaiting to enter the St. Lawrence River.  The river had more than 20 vessels queued due to an early freeze.  No reports of injuries or pollution released.  Local divers were requested and surveyed the vessel for any hull damage.  Tug and barges from Kingston have been dispatched to help lighter the Orsula.  Reports state the bulker has until December 30 before the St. Lawrence Seaway closes for the navigation season.



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The 58 foot fishing vessel Endorphin became disabled off the coast of Montauk, New York. The Endorphin had lost power and gone adrift with 3 crewmen aboard in high seas with waves reaching 15 feet.  Another vessel spotted the Endorphin and contacted the Coast Guard.  The Coast Guard Cutter Tahoma arrived on scene and took the fishing boat under tow.  Both vessels proceeded back towards Montauk Inlet where another Coast Guard rescue boat will take over towing the Endorphin back into port. No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.


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