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Tag: Passenger Ship

Angela Esmee

Angela Esmee

Angela Esmee

The 63 meter long passenger ship Angela Esmee caught fire while berthed at a quay in Den Helder, Netherlands. The fire started in a waste bin in the wheelhouse. The 57 passengers on board were evacuated off the vessel while local fire brigade brought the blaze under control. No reports of injuries or pollution released. Reports state damage was minimal.




On May 11, the 40 meter long passenger ship Schaprode allided with a moored fire boat off the Ippen Quay in Stralsund, Germany.  Both vessels sustained damage above the waterline. No reports of injuries or pollution released. The water police launch an investigation into the incident and the Schaprode was allowed to continue its voyage to Zingst.

Lütte Deern

Lütte Deern

Lütte Deern

The 15 meter long launch Lütte Deern allided with the 42 meter long passenger ship Schaarhörn on the Elbe off Steinwerder, Germany. The Lütte Deern had suffered a technical fault while on a scenic tour and struck the moored passenger vessel. No reports of injuries or pollution released. The passengers on board the Lütte Deern were transferred to another launch to continue on their voyage.