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Tag: Passenger Ship

Princess Marseilles

Princess Marseilles

Princess Marseilles Collision Mein Schiff 1

The 76 meter long service supply vessel Princess Marseilles struck the 260 meter long, 6,500 dwt passenger cruise ship Mein Schiff 1 in the port of Bergen, Norway.  The Princess Marseilles was attempted to moor by backing into the port, but the vessel suffered a technical fault and the thrusters could not be stopped.  The stern of the Princess Marseilles struck into the bow of the Mein Schiff 1.  The Mein Schiff 1 sustained minimal damage, but the Princess Marseilles sustained some damage.  Passengers reported a big bang and black smoke when the two vessels struck.  The Mein Schiff 1 had scratches along its bow around 8 meters above the waterline.  No reports of injuries. Reports state the Mein Schiff 1 will depart as planned and there were no delays due to the the collision. The Princess Marseilles was later towed to Jekteviken.

aRosa Mia

aRosa Mia

aRosa Mia Shipwreck Danube Allision The 124 meter long river passenger cruise ship aRosa Mia struck a bridge across the Danube at the Jochenstein lock.  The aRosa Mia was on a scheduled cruise from Budapest to Passau when it arrived at the lock.   As the vessel was departing from the lock, its wheelhouse still raised above the deck.  As the passenger ship passed under the bridge over the lock, the wheelhouse smashed into the bridge and was destroyed.  No reports of injuries.  The disabled aRosa Mia was moored a short distance along the river shoreline.   The 192 passengers on board were taken ashore and continued their journey by coach.  The aRosa Mia will be towed to Linz for repairs.  Damage has been estimated to be over 150,000 Euros.  The water police has launched an investigation into the incident.

Juno Aground

Juno Aground


The 31 meter long passenger ship Juno ran aground  on Lake Vattern off Råssnäsudden, Sweden.   The Juno was underway from Motala to Karlsborgsvagen with 29 passengers when it ran aground on the wrong side of the channel.   No reports of injuries.   A lifeboat was dispatched to the scene and help evacuate passengers off the Juno.  The passenger ship was later refloated and proceeded to Motala where divers inspected the hull.   No reports of damage or pollution released.