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Tag: Passenger Ship

Merlin Capsized

Merlin Capsized

Merlin 1

The 52 meter long self-propelled dreger-barge Merlin capsized on the Rhine River in Basel, Switzerland near the port of Kleinhüningen. The Merlin was loaded with gravel when it became destabilized and capsized.  The 4 crew on board were able to abandon ship before the vessel overturn with its keel out of the water.  The crew were rescued by firefighters and water police.   

The Merlin, pulled by the strong current, drifted into the side of the passing passenger ship Olympia.  The Olympia had attempted to steer clear of the Merlin, but was struck on the port side.  In this attempt, the Olympia then struck into the side of the moored passenger ship Lafayette.  Both vessels sustained some hull damage and the Olympia later reported a leak and some water ingress.  The 50 passengers on board the Olympia and the 100 passengers on the Lafayette were taken ashore while both vessels were inspected.  No reports of injuries.

Authorities were able to secure the overturn Merlin and secure it to the shoreline.  Reports state there was some pollution released into the river as some diesel fuel spilled from the Merlin.  No reports of injuries.

Whale boat disabled off Massachusetts

Whale boat disabled off Massachusetts



The 83 foot long passenger ship Cetacea became disabled while off Nahant, Massachusetts.  The whale watching ship was on a 3 hour trip with 157 passengers and 6 crew  when it’s propeller got caught on a mooring cable.  The vessel requested assistance with the Coast Gurad dispatching the cutters Tybee and Escanaba to the scene.  Divers were brought to the scene, but were unable to detach the cable.  Unable to free the vessel from the line, the Coast Guard attempted to transfer the passengers off the Cetacea.  Those attempts failed due to rough seas.  Passengers remained on board overnight until the following morning when divers were able to cut the passenger ship free.  Later investigation found the mooring line was from a lobster trap. No reports of damage or pollution released.  Reports state many passengers suffered seasickness with several requiring medical attention.

No Luck Aboard Casino Ship Escapade

No Luck Aboard Casino Ship Escapade

Photo: uscg
Photo: uscg

On her maiden voyage, the 174 foot long casino passenger ship Escapade ran aground off Tybee Island in the Calibogue Sound near Hilton Head, South Carolina.  The Escapade’s crew reported to the Coast Guard that its chart plotter had suffered a malfunction before it ran onto the rocks.  Passengers reported that they felt the vessel strike something, but were not notified of the grounding until several hours later.  No reports of injuries to the 96 passengers and 27 crew on board.  Passengers remained on board overnight and many had to be ferried back to land by coast guard vessels.  A few passengers  had to be airlifted off the Escapade who could not climb down the rope ladder.  Attempts to pull the Escapade free failed as tow ropes broke. No reports of damage or pollution released.

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