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Tag: Philippines

Lite Ferry 8

Lite Ferry 8

Lite Ferry 8

The 72 meter long, 1680 dwt ro-ro passenger ferry Lite Ferry 8 ran aground in Cebu City, Philippines.  The ferry was headed for Cagayan de Oro City with 41 passengers when it stranded during low tide.  The Philippine Coast Guard was alerted  and the voyage was cancelled. The 41 passengers were safely transferred back ashore by two tugboats. No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released. The Lite Ferry 8 was refloated on the following high tide and returned to the pier to be inspected for damage.

Unilink II

Unilink II

Unilink II

On July 19, the 673 dwt cargo vessel Unilink II ran aground off  Barangay Poblacion, Naga, Philippines. The Unilink II had dropped anchor earlier that day, but the weather worsen with increased winds and waves causing the anchor to drag. The Unilink II drifted until it struck some concrete pilings and eventually ran ashore. No reports of injuries to the 19 crew on board or pollution released. The vessel was to be inspected for damage.  Authorities have detained the Unilink II until owner’s settle damages caused to the concrete piers by the incident.

Belle Rose

Belle Rose


Belle Rose

The 183 meter long, 50472 dwt cargo vessel Belle Rose ran aground off Monad Shaol near Daanbantayan, Philippines. The Belle Rose was headed to San Fernando from Japan with a cargo of cement when it struck the shoal. No reports of injuries. The Belle Rose sustained hull damage with three holes in the ballast tanks. Authorities state the vessel rests on top of the coral reefs, but no oil pollution has been detected.