Polar Wind and Unimak Trader Update

The 78 foot long tug Polar Wind and 250 foot long barge Unimak Trader remain aground near Ukolnoi Island, Alaska since November 13. The vessels were headed to Dutch Harbor from Sand Point with 90 containers when the tug became disabled and was blown ashore in heavy seas. The five crew on board the Polar Wind were later rescued by the Coast Guard. Reports state there was some pollution spotted in the water near the grounded vessels. The barge had some 1,200 gallons of fuel on deck while the tug had some 20,500 gallons of diesel fuel on board. A boom was placed around the vessels to help contain any pollution released.
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- Light Sheen Reported Around Grounded Tug (alaskapublic.org)
- Thin fuel sheen spotted near grounded vessels (sfgate.com)