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Tag: Rhine

St. Michael

St. Michael

St. Michael

On August 21, the 12 meter long ro-ro passenger ferry St. Michael (MMSI:211664940) became disabled on the Rhine at Hitdorf, Germany. The St. Michael suffered a mechanical breakdown with the failure of the vessel’s gearbox. The ferry was taken out of service until repairs can be completed. Reports state the St. Michael should be inspected and back in service within a few days. No reports of injuries or pollution released.




On the morning of August 17, the 62 meter long ferry Helene (MMSI: 211276280)  collided with a tanker on the Rhine near Gernsheim, Germany. The Helene was making a crossing between Gernsheim and Eich with three vehicles and six people on board when it struck an empty self-propelled tanker barge.  Both vessels sustained hull damage, but were able to stay afloat. Reports state the Helene had allowed to vessels to pass upstream, but failed to spot the downstream tanker. The Helene was taken out of service for inspection and repair. No reports of injuries or pollution released.




On March 9, the 100 meter long self-propelled barge Thekla allided with a jetty on the Rhine at Colonia-Niehl, Germany. The Thekla was proceeding on the Rhine in high water when it struck the submerged jetty.  The barge sustained damage to its starboard bow with water ingress in the forward cabin and bow thruster room.  Still under its own power, the Thekla proceeded to the basin in Niehl.  Local fire brigade were alerted and begun dewatering efforts with portable pumps. A fireboat arrived on scene and monitored the situation.

The following day another barge was arrived on scene and help unload the cargo of aluminum hydroxide to help keep the vessel higher in the water.  No reports of injuries or pollution released.