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Seasick and Disabled

Seasick and Disabled

The 68 gt tugboat Dockman became disabled off  Harwich, England in rough seas.  The vessel’s engine had failed and only a single crewman was on duty.  Four of the five crew had overcome by seasickness leaving one man at the helm for over 12 hours.  The crewman contacted Thames Coastguard for assistance.  The RNLI lifeboat from Harwich responded and gave assistance to the tugboat.  The crew were able to restart the engine and proceeded back to harbour escorted by the lifeboat.  No reports of injuries, damage or pollution being released.

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Andre Leduc

Andre Leduc

The 44 meter long fishing vessel Andre Leduc became disabled just prior before entering Peterhead Harbour, Scotland.  The Andre Leduc had lost power after an engine failure.   The RNLI lifeboat responded to the scene while the Leduc’s crew restarted the engine.  The lifeboat escorted the fishing vessel into the harbour.   No reports of injuries, damage or pollution being released.

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Trawler Aground Twice

Trawler Aground Twice

The trawler Tavener went aground twice on a single day.  The Tavener first went aground off the entrance to the Colne River, England.  The vessel was able to refloat itself when the tide changed.  The Tavener went aground later that day off  the entrance of the Blackwater River near Tollesbury, England.  The vessel was contacted by the RNLI lifeboat from West Mersea who found the two crew on the Tavener were safe.  The Walton RNLI lifeboat was requested the next day to assist in refloating the trawler, but it was decided to wait a few days for favorable tides.

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