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Tag: Russia

Natig Aliyev

Natig Aliyev

On February 21, the 157 meter long, 19800 dwt tanker Natig Aliyev (IMO: 9194000) allided with the anchored 140 meter long, 13596 dwt cargo vessel Begonia S (IMO: 9445540) in the Black Sea in an anchorage near Novorossiysk, Russia. The Natig Aliyev had dropped anchor near Novorossiysk after completing a voyage from Varna. Due to strong winds and heavy seas, the tanker’s anchor began to drag. The Natig Aliyev drifted until it struck the stern of the Begonia S.  Both vessels sustained only minor damage with the bow of the Natig Aliyev and the rudder of the Begonia S. Reports state there were no injuries and no pollution released.

An Yang 2

An Yang 2

An Yang 2

On February 8, the 190 meter long, 56705 dwt bulk carrier An Yang 2 (IMO: 9563421) ran aground in the Sea of Okhotsk off Sakhalin Island, Russia. Reports state the An Yang 2 had a cargo of 1,000 tons of coal when it ran aground on the rocks just 650 feet off the coast. The vessel sustained hull damage with multiple ballast tanks holed, but there were no injuries to the 20 crew on board.

Local authorities have stated there is concern of pollution being released. The An Yang 2 had some 706 tons of fuel oil and there was a risk the fuel tanks would rupture on the rocks. Russian authorities have stated they will remove the fuel if weather conditions permit.

Authorities have stated the bulk carrier never sent out a distress call and there are questions on why the bulk carrier went aground. Russian media have suggested that criminal charges may be made against the crew.


Nuclear Collision: 50 Let Pobedy

Nuclear Collision: 50 Let Pobedy

50 Let Pobedy

On the night of January 26, the 159 meter long, 3505 dwt nuclear icebreaker 50 Let Pobedy (IMO: 9152959) collided with the 153 meter long, 20,144 dwt cargo vessel Yamal Krechet (IMO: 9202041) in the Kara Sea in the Northern Sea Route off Russia. Reports state the icebreaker was struck by the Yamal Krechet resulting in a large gash on the port bow hull above the waterline. Reports state the 50 Let Pobedy continued to operate and there was no damage to the vessel’s nuclear reactor.

50 Let Pobedy

News reports state the icebreaker may have to return to Murmansk for repairs. No reports of injuries on either vessel.