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Tag: Russia

Sea Leader

Sea Leader

Sea Leader

The 128 meter long cargo vessel Sea Leader allided with the tanker SVL Unity in the Kerch Strait at the port of Kavkaz, Russia. The Sea Leader was departing from Kavkaz with 4300 tons of sunflower for Izmir, Turkey when it struck the berthed SVL Unity. Both vessels sustained only minor damage, but were detained in the port until surveys could be completed. No reports of injuries or pollution released.

Boris Shtokolov

Boris Shtokolov

Boris Shtokolov

The 103 meter long, 1703 dwt ro-ro passenger ferry Boris Shtokolov ran aground in the Kerch Strait near the port of Kavkaz, Russia. The ferry was en route with 34 passengers and vehicles when it ran aground just outside the port. No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.

An attempt to refloat itself failed and the ferry requested assistance.  Reports state several tugs were contracted to pull the ferry free.

Containerships VII

Containerships VII

Containerships VII

The 158 meter long, 13965 dwt container ship Containerships VII caught fire in the Gulf of Finland. The boxship was en route to Helsinki from St. Petersburg when a fire broke out in a generator in the engine room. The crew was quickly able to contain the blaze and extinguish it. No reports of injuries.

The Containerships VII dropped anchor off the island of Seitskär to conduct an inspection. A few hours later the vessel was able to proceed on its journey to Helsinki.