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Tag: Self-Propelled Tanker Barge

Manouk 3

Manouk 3



The 110 meter long self-propelled tanker-barge Manouk 3 allided with the 67 meter long self-propelled barge Enja on the Amsterdam-Rhine Canal near Breukelen, Netherlands. The Manouk 3 had veered off course and struck the moored Enja. The Enja broke its mooring lines and sustained a hull dent in the stern. Another barge secured the Enja back to its moorings. No reports of injuries or pollution released.


Allision at Amsterdam

Allision at Amsterdam


The 110 meter long self-propelled tanker-barge Poolzee allided with the 79 meter long passenger ship Angela Esmee and the 72 meter long passenger ship Anna Maria Agnes along a quay at Amsterdam. The Poolzee’s bow struck both passenger ships causing them to push up against the quay. The Anna Maria Agnes sustained several dents and smashed windows while the Poolzee sustained a sizable dent to its bow.

No report of injuries. There were no passengers on board either the Angela Esmee or Anna Maria Agnes at the time of the incident.



Regina W II

Regina W II

Regina W II

On September 13, the 110 meter long self-propelled tanker-barge Regina W II ran aground on the Rhine near Düsseldorf, Germany. The Regina W II was en route to Gelsenberg with 2000 tons of diesel fuel when it went aground. Authorities were alerted with a fire boat from Düsseldorf along with several other vessels responding. Initial attempts to refloat the tanker-barge failed and a lighter vessel was requested. Some 600 tons of fuel was lightered off the Regina W II before it could be refloated a few hours later. No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.

Regina W II

Reports state the Regina W II was escorted to Neuss to be inspected. The vessel then proceeded on its voyage to Gelsenberg. The cause of the grounding was not reported.