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Tag: Self-Propelled Tanker Barge

Ventrans 2

Ventrans 2

Ventrans 2

On August 13, the 110 meter long self-propelled tanker-barge Ventrans 2 became disabled on the Rhine near Neuwied, Germany. The Ventrans 2 was headed for Rotterdam from Mannheim when it suffered a power blackout after a technical fault had caused engine failure. The tanker-barge was able to complete an emergency anchoring. Local authorities were alerted and monitored the situation until the crew were able to restart the engine and restore power. The water police escorted the Ventrans 2 to a nearby berth where the crew completed repairs. No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.




On August 16, the 85 meter long self-propelled tanker-barge Alina ran aground on the Elbe near Zollenspieker, Germany. The Alina was proceeding in ballast toward Hamburg when it suffered a steering fault and veered out of the fairway running up on a sandbank.  No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released. The Alina remained aground until the next day when it was refloated on the rising tide.

Bitumina 3

Bitumina 3

Bitumina 3

The 80 meter long self-propelled tanker-barge Bitumina 3 caught fire while berthed at a shipyard at Mülheim, Germany. Local fire brigades from Cologne were alerted as smoke was spotted coming from the vessel. A search of the vessel found some insulation material had caught fire between two tanks. The fire was quickly extinguished.  No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.