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Tag: Singapore Strait

Star Centurion

Star Centurion

Star Centurion

On January 13, the 144 meter long, 13360 dwt pipe layer vessel Star Centurion was struck by the 176 meter long, 40094 dwt tanker Antea in the Singapore Strait off Bintan Island, Indonesia. The Star Centurion had been at anchor when the Antea struck the pipelay vessel amidships.  The Star Centurion’s hull was holed and suffered water ingress.  The vessel’s pumps were unable to keep up with the flooding and the Star Centurion developed a severe list. All 22 crew on the Star Centurion abandoned ship into the lifeboats before the pipe layer capsized onto its port side and partially sank. No reports of injuries.

Star Centurion

Indonesian authorities have dispatched vessels to monitor the wreck.  The Star Centurion’s hull remains partially above water. Reports state the Antea had sustained damage, but was able to proceed under its own power to the port of Kuala Sungai Linggi.  The owners of the Star Centurion have awarded Smit Salvage the contract to salvage the vessel.

Putri Sea

Putri Sea

The 46 meter long tanker Putri Sea sank with all hands in the Singapore Strait near Johor, Malaysia. Authorities were first alerted when the tanker’s agent could not contact the vessel. The Putri Sea had been last reported proceeding with six crew and a cargo of crude oil off  Johor.

Authorities launched a search and rescue operation. A patrol vessel from Tanjung Sedili arrived 4.6 miles off Tangjung Pengelih.  Multiple patrol vessels began a search of the area as it was near the last reported position of the tanker. The search did not find the Putri Sea. However, searchers did find a recent oil spill in the water. Authorities believe the oil spill is from the Putri Sea. The six crew of the Putri Sea are reported as missing.

Some reports speculate the tanker had suffered an explosion and fire before sinking. However, there is no official confirmation of the cause to the loss of the Putri Sea. No details reported if authorities will conduct further investigation into the incident.

Nona Tang II

Nona Tang II

Nona Tang II

The 73 meter long, 2599 dwt tanker Nona Tang II exploded in the Singapore Strait while berthed at Batu Ampar, Batam City, Indonesia.  The vessel was undergoing repairs when welders on the cargo deck ignited fuel vapors. One worker was instantly killed while two others were badly burned. The Nona Tang II continued to burn until local fire brigades and two patrol boats arrived on scene. The fire fighters were able to extinguish the blaze a short time later. Authorities have launched an investigation into the incident. Initial reports state the welders did not have permits to conduct repair work at the time of the incident in violation of safety laws.