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Tag: South Africa

Emmanuel Ashore

Emmanuel Ashore

The 40 metere fishing trawler Emmanuel was blown ashore in rough seas and high winds near De Bakke, Mossel Bay, South Africa.   The Emmanuel contacted the National Sea Rescue Institue (NSRI) that the vessel had run aground 50 meters off shore and were preparing to abandon ship in a life raft.   The NSRI responded to the scene with rescue craft and had local emergency services on stand-by.   The NSRI attached a line to the Emmanuel on the shore-side  in attempt to stabilize it.  However, as the tide dropped, the trawler began to list over.   The NSRI decided to evacuated the 12 crewmen.  Taking 1 or 2 men at a time, the men were relayed from a rescue craft which rode the swells to land them ashore.   The crewmen were then checked by awaiting EMS paramedics.   No one was injured in the incident.   One NSRI craft sustained some damage in the operation.   A tugboat is on scene and will attempt to refloat the trawler on the next high tide.  Authorities are conducting an investigation into the incident.

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