On August 14, the 292 meter long, 7500 dwt passenger cruise ship Mediterranea caught fire while arriving at pier 8 in Jeju, South Korea. The Mediterranea had departed from Tianjin, China when smoke was spotted near the engine room. A fire had started in a machine room caused by a mechanical failure in the air conditioning system. The fire while contained below decks had spewed out toxic smoke along large section of the starboard side of the vessel.
Fortunately, the crew was able to respond quickly to the blaze. An automated water sprinkler system was engaged and extinguished the fire. All passengers on board were safely disembarked with no reports of injuries to the 2436 passengers on board.
Three crew suffered smoke inhalation that received emergency treatment on site. The Korean Coast Guard and local fire deparment inspected the vessel for damage and concluded the Mediterranea was cleared to proceed on its next port of call at Fukoka, Japan. Authorities have launched an investigation into the incident.
On July 17, the 229 meter long, 27100 dwt car carrier Hoegh London collided with a South Korean Navy submarine off Gadeokdo Island, Busan, South Korea. The Hoegh London departed from Masan bound for China when it struck the submerged submarine. The submarine surfaced suffering on minor damage, but the Hoegh London sustained a half meter gash along its bow. No reports of injuries or pollution released. The Hoegh London proceeded to an anchorage while an investigation was conducted. The name of the South Korean submarine was not disclosed.
The 366 meter long, 146,931 dwt container ship Milano Bridge allided with a quay at Busan, South Korea. The boxship had arrived from Shanghai and was maneuvering to a berth at the north terminal when the port hull collided with the quay and several container cranes. One crane (designated as no. 85) was struck hard enough to cause it to collapse. The crane operator on board was able to jump free while still 30 feet in the air. He sustained minor injuries and was later taken to hospital.
Another crane (no. 81) suffered major damage, but didn’t collapse. Crane (no. 84) was pushed off its tracks and Cranes (no. 82 and 83) did not suffered any major damage. The Milano Bridge also sustained damage to its bridge, port side hull, railings and deck plating buckled. Parts of the crane (no. 85) fell onto the vessel while other portions fell into the water. No reports of pollution released. Reports state it may take up to 18 months to replace gantry crane (no. 85) and 5 months for Crane (no. 84) to be repaired. Busan Coast Guard has launched an investigation into the incident.
14:37: Commenced Starboard turn, STBD 20 Helm, Dead Slow Ahead, Speed: 9.3 Knots
14:39: Stopped engine, Speed: 7.6 Knots
14:40: Pilot appeared panicked, Speed 7.6 Knots, Dead slow ahead Starboard 20 helm.
14:42: Pilot realizes heavy drift to port, panicked, full ahead engine, hard Starboard helm, concerned to avoid three (3) moored vessels. AFT Tug continuously pulling.
14:44: Cleared 1st moored vessel, drifting towards 2nd moored vessel, Navigation full ahead, Starboard 20 helm, drifting further towards berth. FWD tug’s action not known as pilot speaking in local language. Master used BT.
14:47: Cleared 2nd moored vessel, random orders on ME and rudder, stern drifting towards port side, Speed 6 Knots. 14:47: Cleared lesser beamed 3rd moored vessel.
14:49: Made hard contact with Gantry no.85 , fully collapsed on stern of ONE vessel. ME Nav full ahead, speed. 5.2 Knots. FWD tug not pulling.
14:50: Emergency full stern to prevent contact with moored vessel ahead.
14:52: Hard contact with Gantry crane no. 81 by bridge wing, which was working on the moored container vessel ahead followed by slight contact with the moored vessel around Bay 02 & 06.