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Tag: Spain

Collision off Ceuta

Collision off Ceuta

The 189 meter long, 48193 dwt freighter New Glory collided with the 97 meter long, 758 dwt ro-ro ferry Milenium Dos near Ceuta, Spain.   The New Glory struck the starboard side of the Milenium Dos who was proceeding north with 174 passengers and 18 crew.  The collision left a large hole in the ferry’s hull above the waterline.  One of the Milenium Dos fuel tanks was damaged and some fuel was released into the water.  Two passengers and one crewman were injured and were taken to hospital.   The two vessels remained locked together as authorities dispatched rescue craft and tugs to the scene.   The two vessel remained together for several hours until they could be pulled apart.  The Milenium Dos was taken under tow by the tugs and proceeded to Ceuta.   The New Glory proceeeded to an anchorage.   No reports of injuries on the freighter.   Authorities are conducting an investigation into the incident.


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The 122 meter long, 9000 dwt freighter Lieke caught fire while in the Bay of Biscay off the coast of Finisterre, Spain.  The crew was able to extinguish the blaze quickly, but the fire caused damaged the machinery leaving the vessel disabled.   A rescue tugboat was dispatched to the scene and the owner of the Lieke has hired another tug to take the vessel under tow.  The Lieke was taken under tow to the port of Vilagarcia.   No reports of injuries or pollution released.

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Elite Disabled

Elite Disabled

The 149 meter long, 11243 dwt container ship Elite became disabled in the Bay of Biscay after the vessel suffered a major engine breakdown.   Attempts by the crew to repair the engine failed and a tug was requested to take the Elite under tow to a French port to undergo repairs.  No reports of injuries, damage or pollution being released.

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