The 183 meter long, 52550 dwt tanker Hafnia Crux became disabled in the English Channel near Dunkirk, France. The Hafnia Crux had suffered engine failure and gone adrift. A tug was dispatched and took the tanker under tow to Dunkirk. No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.
The 80 meter long self-propelled tanker barge Doina ran aground on the Rhine River near Nonnenwerth, Germany. The tanker had grounded off the tip of the island Freizuschleppen heavily ladden with a cargo of diesel fuel. Unable to free itself, the crew requested assistance. Another vessel attached a towline and tried to pull the Doina free, but the towline snapped. Several other attempts to refloat the tanker also failed. A lighter was requested before another attempt would be made. The tanker Yvonne arrived on scene the following day and offloaded some 500 tons of diesel fuel. Afterwards, the Doina was pulled free by the tug Pilot. Both vessels proceeded to Brohl for inspection. The water police has launched an investigation into the incident. Reports state the cause of the grounding was due to a navigational error.
The 180 meter long, 38215 dwt bulk carrier Ultra Vanscoy collided with a fishing boat off Gulei, Fujian, China. The fishing boat quickly sank. One crewman perished and another 4 men will reported as missing.
The 120 meter long, 8522 dwt tanker Woojin Chemi struck and sank a fishing boat off Fuzhou, China. The fishing boat quickly filled with water and sank. Six crewmen were rescued, but 2 others were reported as missing.