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Tag: Texas

Eagle Kinabalu

Eagle Kinabalu

The 237 meter long, 107500 dwt tanker Eagle Kinabalu ran aground on the Sabine-Neches waterway near Port Arthur, Texas.  The tanker was able to refloat itself under its own power.  The Eagle Kinabalu proceeded to a nearby anchorage.  No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.   Authorities are conducting an investigation into the incident.

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Ashton T

Ashton T

The 94 foot offshore supply vessel Ashton T ran aground on the north jetty at Galveston, Texas.   The Ashton T was headed out into the Gulf of Mexico with 1650 gallons of diesel fuel when it struck the jetty leaving the vessel high and dry.  One crewman suffered injuries and was taken to hospital.   No reports of damage to the vessel’s tanks.   Authorities and the vessel’s owner plan to salvage the vessel.  No reports of pollution being released.  The Coast Guard is conducting an investigation into the incident.

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Miss Pearl

Miss Pearl

The 135 foot long crew vessel Miss Pearl went aground on Sabine Jetties near Houston, Texas.  The vessel contacted the Coast Guard who dispatched a helicopter and a rescue boat to the scene.   The helicopter safely hoisted the four crew on board and transported them to awaiting EMS staff.   All four crewmen on board suffered minor injuries.   The Miss Pearl released some 4,000 gallons of diesel fuel into the water.  The owners of the vessel have started salvage and cleanup operations.   The cause of the grounding was not yet reported.    The Coast Guard is conducting an investigation into the incident.

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