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Barges collide off Texas

Barges collide off Texas

Barge TTI-150
Barge TTI-150

Two barges collided while on the Intracoastal Waterway off the Bolivar Peninsula, Texas.  The barge TTI-150 with 1,500 tons of calcium chloride being pushed by the tug Alex D was struck by the tanker-barge CBC-7026 loaded with 945,000 gallons of crude oil being pushed by the 23 meter long tug Lake Charles.  Both barges sustained damage, but did not suffer water ingress.  No reports of injuries or pollution released. The cause of the incident is under investigation.

Barge CBC 7026
Barge CBC 7026
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Supply Vessel Aground

Supply Vessel Aground

130304-G-ZZ999-001-Grounded vessel off of San Jose Island coast
Photo: uscg

The support vessel went aground near San Jose Island, Texas.  The vessel had some 8,000 gallons of fuel on board at the time.   No reports of injuries to the 4 crew on board, no damage or pollution released.   The Coast Guard dispatched a rescue boat and helicopter to the scene.   Reports state the owners and authorities are coordinating salvage efforts. South Texas, Corpus Christi, Coastal Bend


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Galveston Collision

Galveston Collision

Two chemical tankers collided in the Gulf of Mexico near Galveston, Texas.  The 116 meter long, 11642 dwt chemical tanker Chem Sea and the 170 meter long, 33641 dwt tanker Bow Kiso collided while headed to Houston.  The Bow Kiso suffered damage resulting in a fuel leak.   The crew was able to make patch the leak and pump remaining fuel into an auxiliary tank.  No reports of injuries.  Both vessels were able to proceed to Houston under their own power.  The Coast Guard has launched an investigation into the incident.


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