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Tag: Towboat

Veerhaven II

Veerhaven II

The 193 meter long towboat Veerhaven II suffered water ingress while enroute to Schwegern with four empty barges on the Rhine River.   The water ingress was discovered in the bow of the towboat caused by the vessel’s anchor had been twisted allowing the anchor to pierce the hull.  The Veerhaven II was escorted by three fire boats to Ruhrort for repairs.  At the shipyard, the Veerhaven II suffered another leak releasing some 3,000 liters of diesel fuel into the harbor.   Local firefighters deployed booms to contain the spill.   Divers were able to make repairs to prevent any further fuel from escaping from the towboat.  Authorities dispatched a special vessel that will be able to pump and contain the contaminated water.   No reports of injuries.

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Ohio River Allision

Ohio River Allision

The 43 meter long towboat Janis R. Brewer allided with the lock wall on the Ohio River at the Canneltons Lock and Dam near Cannelton, Indiana.  The impact cause the towboat’s barges break free.   One crew man fell overboard and perished.  Reports state the crewman was wearing a life jacket.  An investigation into the incident and the crewman’s death is being conducted by authorities.

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Five Rivers Aground

Five Rivers Aground
Photo: N-J | Julie Murphy

The 6 meter long towboat Five Rivers went aground in the Intracoastal Waterway near Flagler Beach, Florida.  The Five Rivers was pushing an empty fuel barge went it ran aground destroying a small dock.   The towboat and barge suffered no damage and were later released with the next high tide.  No one was injured and no pollution was released.   The Coast Guard is conducting an investigation into the incident.

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