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Tag: Towboat

Everett Fisher

Everett Fisher

Everett Fisher
Photo: uscg

On January 21, the dredge barge Everett Fisher ran aground in the Matagorda Ship Channel near Port Lavaca, Texas. The dredger had sprung a leak and could not control the flooding. The crew alerted authorities and requested assistance. The 30 meter long towboat Dana Robyn arrived on scene and pushed the Everett Fisher until it ran aground.  The Dana Robyn took the four crew off the Everett Fisher safely. No reports of injuries. The Coast Guard has launched an investigation into the incident.

Ed McLaughlin

Ed McLaughlin

Ed McLaughlin

The 18 meter long, 83 gt towboat Ed McLaughlin capsized and sank on the Ohio River near Cheshire, Ohio. The towboat was near mile marker 259 when it lost stability and capsized.  All three crewmen on board the Ed McLaughlin were able to abandon ship before the towboat sank.  The crew were taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.  The Coast Guard reports the Ed McLaughlin had some 4900 gallons of diesel fuel on board at the time of the sinking.  A response team was on scene and is monitoring the situation.  A light sheen has been spotted in the river suggesting some fuel has leaked from the Ed McLaughlin.  The Coast Guard has launched an investigation into the incident.

Tom Bussler

Tom Bussler

Tom Bussler

The 58 foot long towboat Tom Bussler capsized and sank on the Tennessee River near Calvert City, Kentucky. The two crew on board were rescued by the towboat George Leavell.  Both crew were taken ashore and transported to a nearby hospital.

The Coast Guard has dispatched a vessel to monitor the wreck. Reports state the Tom Bussler had some 4100 gallons of diesel fuel on board at the time, but there has been no signs of pollution released.