- Photo: Sunlive.co.nz
Pollution Update
Heavy fuel oil has leaked from the container ship Rena and an oil slick stretches some 1500 to 2000 meters from the vessel. Attempts to use oil dispersants have failed to breakup the oil slick. Authorities are preparing equipment to scoop-up the oil from the water surface. Other equipment will arrive to prepare for a potential shoreline cleanup. The amount of oil released is not known, but divers confirmed that fuel tanks were still intact with the majority of the 1700 cubic meters of fuel oil was still held within them. Reports state several dead birds have been found near the site coated in oil. A 1 kilometer exclusion zone has been place around the site.
Video of the oil slick
Salvage Company Selected
The salvage company Svitzer has been chosen to begin salvage operations on the Rena. Svitzer, based in Denmark, have not disclosed when they will begin operations. More information can be found on their website: http://www.svitzer.com/