Rena Update 2

Holed and Breaking Up
The Canadian Miner was struck by a storm where 40 foot waves broke over the grounded vessel near Scaterie Island. Reports state the vessel has a 50 foot hole on the side of the vessel near the stern and the hull has cracked in several places. The storm winds reached gusts up to 131 kilometers per hour. Waves have pushed the Canadian Miner closer to shore with the bow of the vessel now resting on the beach. Luckily, salvagers were able remove 6,000 liters of engine oil and diesel fuel before the storm struck. There is still 3,000 liters on board, but plans are to have it removed as soon as the salvage crew can return to the vessel.
The 110 meter long freighter Norvind suffered engine problems while off Kristiansand, Norway. The Norvind was heading to Tyssedal from Gdynia with 5000 tons of electrode paste. A tug was called and will tow the Novind into Kristiansand for repairs. No reports of injuries, damage or pollution being released.