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Month: May 2015




On May 9, the 229 meter long, 70146 dwt tanker Skopelos ran aground on the Wester Scheldt off Zaamslag, Netherlands. The tanker was aground just a short time as two tugs were requested to assist in refloating the tanker. The tugs were able to free the Skopelos later the same day and the vessels proceeded to an anchorage off Terneuzen.  No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.

Northern Pride Update

Northern Pride Update

Northern Pride

On April 21, the 82 foot long fishing vessel Northern Pride caught fire off Kodiak Island, Alaska. The vessel was proceeding to Seward when it caught fire off Marmot Island.  The three crew were unable to contain the fire and abandoned ship. The Northern Pride later capsized and was believed sunk. On May 7, the overturn hull of the Norther Pride washed ashore along the coastline of Katmai National Park in the Shelikof Strait. The Coast Guard spotted the overturn hull and reported an oil sheen around the wreck. A salvage company was hired to recovered and remove the hull.




The 74 meter long, 2155 dwt  general cargo vessel Sotra became disabled while passing through the Dardanelles. The Sotra had suffered engine failure with its cargo of 1800 tons of marble and had gone adrift. Authorities dispatched tugs to the scene and the Sotra was towed to a safe anchorage off Intepe, Turkey. No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.