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Month: May 2015

Sea Beast

Sea Beast

Sea Beast 1

On May 3, the 52 foot long fishing vessel Sea Beast  capsized and sank in the Pacific Ocean off the entrance to Quillayute River, Washington. The Sea Beast had sent out a distress call when the crew discovered the vessel was taking on water. Three crewmen were able to abandon ship into the vessel’s life raft, but the master of the Sea Beast was lost when the vessel capsized. A Coast Guard helicopter arrived on scene and rescued the 3 crew from the life raft.  Authorities state the Sea Beast sank within the Olympic Marine Sanctuary with some 1,000 gallons of diesel fuel still on board.




The 81 meter long, 3030 dwt cargo vessel Jongleur allided with a bridge at Gothenburg, Sweden. The Jongleur was passing under the Gota Alvbron Bridge when its mast struck the bridge.  Traffic was halted until inspectors could survey the bridge the following day.  No reports of injuries and damage was limited to a bent mast on the Jongleur.  Traffic was resumed on the bridge and the Jongleur continued on its voyage.




On April 28, the 186 meter long, 7150 dwt ro-ro passenger ferry Sorrento caught fire in the Mediterranean Sea off Dragonera Island, Spain. The Sorrento had departed from Palma with 156 passengers  and crew en route to Valencia when a blaze broke out on the car deck. The fire spewed out plumes of thick black smoke. The crew tried to fight the blaze, but the intensity of the fire and smoke forced an evacuation into the ferry’s lifeboats.  Authorities were alerted and diverted four vessels and helicopters to the scene. Three crew members suffered smoke inhalation and were rescued by helicopter and taken for treatment. Reports state there were over 100 vehicles on board that were destroyed. Authorities were able to tow the burnt out ferry into Valencia. No reports of pollution released.