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Month: May 2015

Da You 78

Da You 78

The 50 meter long tanker Da You 78 collided with an unidentified vessel in the East China Sea off Zhoushan, China. The tanker sustained severe damage and caught fire after the collision.  The 16 crew on board abandoned ship and were rescued. No reports of injuries. Local salvage vessels responded to the scene with fire fighting equipment. Reports state there was a significant amount of pollution released.

Four Forty

Four Forty

The 37 foot long fishing vessel Four Forty sank off Cape Disappointment, Washington. The Four Forty had struck a piling in the Ilwaco Channel which holed the hull causing uncontrollable water ingress. The vessel nearly reached shore, but sank 100 yards off the A Jetty in 40 feet of water.  The two crew on board  were rescued by a nearby vessel.  No reports of injuries. The Coast Guard arrived on scene and is monitoring and is monitoring the situation. Reports state a sheen was reported in the area where the Four Forty sank. The owners of the vessel have hired a salvage company to recover the vessel.

Miss Shauna

Miss Shauna

The 51 foot long fishing vessel Miss Shauna suffered water ingress while off Nantucket, Massachusetts.  The vessel had sprung a leak in the vessel’s engine room and the vessel’s pumps was able to keep up with the flooding.  However, the flooding began to increase and the crew requested assistance.  The Coast Guard dispatched the cutter Sanibel and a Jayhawk helicopter to the scene. The helicopter lowered a pump to the Miss Shauna. The cutter Sanibel arrived a short time later and escorted the Miss Shauna back to New Bedford. No reports of injuries or pollution released.