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Category: Sank

Ocean Researcher V

Ocean Researcher V

Ocean Researcher V
Photo: Taiwan Coast Guard

On October 10, the 73 meter long, 2,700 ton research vessel Ocean Researcher V ran aground and sank off Penghu Islands, Taiwan. The Ocean Researcher V departed October 5 from Tainan City for an eight day research expedition with 27 researchers and 18 crew. On October 10, the Ocean Researcher V was seeking shelter from Typhoon Vangfong when it ran aground onto a reef near Penghu Islands. The vessel sustained hull damage with water ingress.  The vessel lost power and was sinking.  The crew  quickly sent out a distress call.

Ocean Researcher V
Photo: Taiwan Ministry

Authorities dispatched two navy vessels and four patrol boats from the Coast Guard. A helicopter was dispatched and attempted to airlift the people off the research vessel, but large waves snapped the cable holding  the cage.   The 45 people on board put on life jackets and abandoned ship.  Some were able to climb into rubber life rafts while others jumped into the sea.

Rescuers pulled 43 survivors which 25 had suffered injuries. Two bodies were also recovered.  Reports state the two who perished were researchers including the head researcher leading the expedition.

Reports state the ministry who owns the vessel will attempt to salvage the research vessel.  The Ocean Researcher V cost $48 million (US) to build in 2013.

Barge Sunk in Chicago River

Barge Sunk in Chicago River


A construction barge sank in the Chicago River near the Randolph Street Bridge, Chicago. The barge was owned by a private construction firm being used for a private construction project. Witnesses state the barge seem to break-in-two  before sinking. No reports of injuries.

Run Wu 9

Run Wu 9

Run Wu 9

The 97 meter long cargo vessel Run Wu 9 sank in the East China Sea off Dachen Island, Zhenjiang, China.  The crew reported to authorities that the Run Wu 9 had suffered water ingress while in strong winds and heavy seas.  Authorities dispatched a rescue boat to the scene.  All  15 crew from the Run Wu 9 were rescued a few minutes before the Run Wu 9 sank. No reports of injuries.  The Run Wu 9 was en route  to Ningbo from Dongshan Dao.  The cause of the water ingress was not reported.