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Tag: India

Barge Stuck

Barge Stuck

A barge became stuck while working near the shoreline of Mangalore, India.   The barge was laying pipeline when one of the hydraulic arms became stuck in the sea bed.  As the tide rose, the barge started to take on water on the forward deck.   The barge now rests aground with a high list with a section underwater 200 meters from the shoreline.   Owners are attempting to retract the hyraulic arm and salvage the barge.   Local fisherman are concern that oil pollution will be released.

The pipeline has been a source of friction between the nearby industry located in the Mangalore Special Economic Zone Limited (MSEZL) and fishermen.   The pipeline will allow effluent discharge from treatment plants near where local communities fish.   No further details reported.

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Tanker Orchids Fire

Tanker Orchids Fire

The 29,990 dwt tanker Orchids had an engine room fire while off the Kannur coast of India.   The vessel contacted the Coast Guard which mobilized several fast patrol vessels to the scene.   The fire was quickly extinguished and the Orchids is continuing to Kochi under its own power.   No reports of injuries or pollution being released.  The vessel had left New Mangalore for Cochin Port with a cargo of gaoline.

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Mirach Aground

Mirach Aground

The 27,192 dwt freighter Mirach went aground off the south coast of India near Anjugraman.   The vessel’s hull was holed when it struck bottom in shallow waters during severe weather.   Water Ingress has flooded from the bow to Hold No. 4.   The crew of 25 have been evacuated. 

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