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Tag: Taiwan

New Lucky III

New Lucky III

Photo: Taiwan Coast Guard

The 100 meter long, 7716 dwt freighter New Lucky III became disabled near Bail, Taiwan.   The freighter was battered by high winds and rough seas when it developed a dangerous list.   The cargo of logs on board had shifted causing the New Lucky III to become unmanageable.  The vessel quickly lost power and the list continued to increase. The New Lucky III sent out a distress call with the Taiwan National Search and Rescue Command responding.  Aircraft and rescue boats were quickly dispatched to the scene.   A helicopter rescued seven crew men while another nine men were rescued by a Coast Guard vessel.   The master of the New Lucky III was listed as missing when he was swept overboard during the rescue operations.   The last report stated the New Lucky III was still adrift.



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Ocean Glory

Ocean Glory

The 95 meter long, 5151 dwt freighter Ocean Glory sank off Keelung, Taiwan.  The Ocean Glory left Keelung bound for Hualien with a cargo of gravel in bad weather.   The vessel sent out a distress call shortly after leaving port before it capsized and sank.  The Taiwan Coast Guard dispatched rescuers to the scene and found 13 of the 15 crewmen.   They were taken to hospital, but six men were declared dead on arrival.  The remaining two crewmen including the master of the Ocean Glory were reported as missing.   Authorities believe the freighter sank after striking an object in the rough seas.  No further details reported.

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The 93 meter long, 2980 dwt LPG tanker Oberon ran aground in the Taiwan Strait in Penghu, Taiwan.   The Oberon was proceeding to Maptaphut from Taiphung with 1,000 tons of liquified petroleum gas when it was driven onto a reef by high winds and five meter high waves.  The master contacted the Taiwan Coast Guard for assistance.   The Coast Guard dispatched a helicopter who winched all 16 crew to safety.   The vessel hull was ruptured and the cargo of butane.  Reports state that a slick has formed around the vessel and has drifted some five kilometers.   Authorities has dispatched a response team to contain the pollution.    One report states the tanker may breakup before any salvage can be done.

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