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Tag: Talisay City




The 68 meter long, 2323 dwt cargo vessel Fortuner sank off Talisay City, Cebu, Philippines. The Fortuner was carrying a cargo of steel bars when if suffered structural failure and developed a crack amidships. The vessel pumps were no use  as the water ingress quickly flooded the holds. The crew alerted authorities and were able to evacuate the ship. All 22 crew were later rescued by the nearby MTUG 38. The cargo vessel sank sank 2 hours later. The Fortuner rests in 30 meters under the surface some 2.2 kilometers from shore.

Authorities report spotting a 25 meter oil sheen on the surface. The Coast Guard deployed an oil boom around the spill and will monitor the area for any additional pollution released. The Fortuner had some 4000 liters of fuel on board at the time of the sinking.

Schelde Trader

Schelde Trader


The 133 meter long freighter Schelde Trader went aground near Talisay City, Cebu, Philippines.  The Schelde Trader attempted to leave port during typhoon Yolanda.  Reports state the crew remained on board while a tug was requested to refloat the vessel.  No reports of injuries.


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Trans-Asia 9

Trans-Asia 9

Trans Asia 9
Formerly: Our Lady of Good Voyage

The 1517 dwt passenger ferry Trans-Asia 9 went aground at Lawis Ledge near Talisay City, Philippines.  The Trans-Asia 9 loaded with 364 passengers and 72 crew was en route to Cebu City from Cagayan de Oro when it went aground while trying to avoid a collision with another vessel .  The vessel was able to refloat itself on the high tide and proceeded to Cebu City.  No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.   The Philippine Coast Guard was notified and has detained the vessel until it can inspected for any hull damage.  Reports state the mate was at the helm at the time and made a navigation error resulting in the grounding.


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