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Month: January 2011

Collision in Azov Sea

Collision in Azov Sea

The 3197 dwt freighter Onix collided with the 3340 dwt freighter Amur-2505 in the Azov Sea. The Onix suffered damage to its ballast and fuel tanks along with damage to it’s bridge and superstructure. The Onix lost propollusion and was towed to Kerch, Crimea. The Amur-2505 had slight damage to its bow and proceeded to Kerch, Crimea. No reports of injuries to the crewmen or pollution being released.

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Migrant vessel sinks off Corfu

Migrant vessel sinks off Corfu

Topographic map in English of the Corfu island...
Image via Wikipedia

The 35-meter vessel Hasan Reis sank in the Ionian Sea off the coast of Corfu, Greece. The wooden-hulled vessel had 263 migrants onboard was bound for Italy when it sank. A nearby dutch freighter rescued 241 passengers. Reports state there were still 22 poeple missing. Greek authorities are conducting a search for survivors. 15 passengers were injuried and 2 men were detained for smuggling.

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