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Day: April 29, 2011

Collision in the Sea of Okhotsk

Collision in the Sea of Okhotsk

Image via Wikipedia

The fishing vessel Yakov Pavlov collided with the fishing vessel Komandor in the eastern section of the Sea of Okhotsk.   The Yakov Pavlov was undamaged, but the Komandor hull was holed and had water ingress.   The master of the Komador ballasted one side of the vessel.   This caused a 15 degree list and lifted the holed section of the hull above the waterline.   The Crew made temporary repairs while pumping the water out.   The Komador also sent a request to the salvage tug Spravediviy for assistance.   Both tug and fishing vessel are proceeding to Kamchatka.

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Fishing Vessel Fire

Fishing Vessel Fire

The fishing vessel Lai Ching suffered an explosion and fire while fishing in the South Atlantic off the coast of Uruguay.   The vessel’s crew of 37 went to the lifeboats and many were rescued by the fishing vessel Hsiang Man Ching.  Reports state that 3 men were killed in the explosion with another 4 listed as missing.  Another 18 men were injured either by the explosion or fire.   The surviving crew of the Lai Ching are being taken to Cape Town, South Africa.

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