Sunrise Orient

The 89 meter long, 4244 dwt freighter Sunrise Orient went aground near Hong Kong along the shore of Cheung Chau Island. The Sunrise Orient was heading to Indonesia from Nansha with 2,800 tons of cement when it suffered a breakdown to its steering gear. Disabled, the freighter developed a list to port as the cargo of cement shifted onboard. The list continued to increase reaching 45 degrees as it took on water. The crew requested assistance with all 17 on board being rescued a short time later. No reports of injuries. Two tug boats were dispatched to tow the vessel to safety, but attempts to bring the vessel under control failed.
When the crew of the Sunrise Orient abandoned ship, they didn’t shut down the engine . Reports state the chief engineer was afraid to go below deck due to the heavy list fearing he would be trapped if the vessel sank. The vessel continued under power for another hour before the engine failed. The Sunrise Orient continue to drift until it went ashore onto the rocky shoreline of Cheung Chau Island. Authorities placed booms around the freighter as a 100 meter long oil slick was spotted around the vessel.