Aground on Yenisei River

On November 25, a ferry ran aground on the Yenisei River some 300 kilometers north of Krasnoyarsk, Russia. The ferry with 70 passengers and 30 vehicles had become stuck in shallow water during the evening with the temperature reaching only minus 30 Celsius. Two towboats, the Angara and Otradny, were alerted to stranding and proceeded to the scene. The vessels attempted to refloat the ferry, but the ferry remained stuck several hours later. Passengers initially refused the warmth of their vehicles, but agreed to leave as the ferry remained stuck during the night. Passengers were taken to Strelka for the night. No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released. Typically, the Yenisei River would be frozen over, but the dam at Krasnoyarsk allows navigation to remain open longer even in extremely low temperatures.