Capsized on Wester Scheldt

On February 6, the 75 meter long barge Rick capsized on the Wester Scheldt near Breskens, Netherlands. The Rick was busy being loaded with a cargo of gravel. The Rick was moored alongside the 85 meter long dredger Interballast 1 when the Rick suddenly rolled over. Several KNRM lifeboats, pilot boats along with vessel from Belgian Navy responded to the scene. One crewman working on the deck was thrown into the river, but was quickly recovered. The other two crewmen on board the Rick were trapped below. The two men had been asleep when the vessel capsized. Divers knocked on the hull to see if there was any response from the men, but did not get an answer. The search was suspended and the focus was keeping the vessel from drifting away. A tug pushed the overturned barge onto a sandbar to stabilize the wreck. A few hours later, a second crewman was rescued. He had survived in an air pocket, but had suffered from hypothermia. The third crewman was still reported as missing. Reports state the Rick was to be dewatered and taken to Terneuzen.