Insel Hiddensee

The 40 meter long passenger vessel Insel Hiddensee allided with a quay in Neuendorf, Germany. The Insel Hiddensee was en route to Schaprode from Kloster when it approached the pier at Neuendorf. The vessel began to reverse it’s engines when it suffered a power blackout. Unable to slow down, the Insel Hiddensee struck the quay. The bow sustained several dents and the quay was damaged. Nine of the 130 passengers on board suffered slight injuries. They were later taken ashore with one proceeding to a hospital in Bergen. The remaining passengers were transferred to another ferry. No reports of pollution released. The water police launched an investigation and found the incident was due to a technical fault. The Insel Hiddensee was later taken to Stralsund for repairs.