
The 90 meter long cargo ship Kertu ran aground off off Rural Area, south of Nynashamn, Sweden. The Kertu had run hard aground in severe weather with waves reaching 3 to 4 meters high. The cargo ship sustained significant hull damage. Both the fuel tank and cargo hold suffered water ingress. An unreported amount of fuel oil spilled out into the sea.

The crew notified authorities that the vessel was in distress and required assistance. The Swedish Coast Guard dispatched several vessels to the scene and launched recovery operations. The crew was able to transfer fuel oil from the damaged from the damaged tank into another undamaged tank. The Kertu was refloated, but it was found that the water ingress was more than the vessel’s pump could manage. Seven of the nine crew on the Kertu were evacuated safely by the Coast Guard while the remaining crew attempted to bring the flooding under control.

Flooding continued in the Kertu with the holds nearly 1/2 filled with water and the vessel began to list over to starboard. The Swedish Coast Guard was able to deliver additional pumps and help aid the remaining crew to get them running. With in a short time, the pumps brought the flooding under control. A pilot was brought on board and the vessel proceeded to Oxelösund. No reports of injuries. An investigation was launched by authorities. Reports state the crew made a navigational error and steered the Kertu aground.