Confid Breaks Up

The 85 meter long self-propelled barge Confid broke-in-two on the Maas River near Lomm, Netherlands. The Confid was loading 1400 tons of gravel when the vessel’s hull failed and broke-in-tow. The bow section remained above water while the stern sank. The four crewmen on board were able to escape by jumping into the water before the stern sank. Oil was spotted and authorities requested an anti-pollution vessel while booms were placed around the vessel. Reports states that some 7 tons of diesel fuel was on the Confid. A vehicle on board the Confid at the time of the sinking was later recovered. Divers surveyed the wreck, but no details reported to why the hull failed. Salvage of the Confid is expected to take a week as the gravel must be removed first.