Ingrid Elisabeth

On January 17, the 10 meter long fishing vessel Ingrid Elisabeth F41P ran aground off Makkaur Lighthouse near Båtsfjord, Norway. The fishing vessel had suffered engine failure amidst a severe storm. With no power, the crew alerted authorities and requested assistance. with gusts reaching 40 meters per second, the Ingrid Elisabeth was pushed by the storm towards shore until it wedged between two rocks just off the coast. A Sea King helicopter arrived on scene, but conditions were too rough and was unable to rescue the crew. A lifeboat, rescue boat and nearby trawlers arrived on scene, but were also unable to reach the Ingrid Elisabeth. The two crew on the Ingrid Elisabeth donned survival suits and abandoned ship before the fishing vessel finally sank. Reports state the two crewmen were able to reach shore and were in good condition. Both men were later taken to Båtsfjord.