
The 78 meter long, 2724 dwt freighter Longshan went aground in the East China Sea at Jeju Island, South Korea. The Longshan struck a reef off the coast causing hull damage with ballast and fuel tanks breached on the port side. The crew contacted the Coast Guard who dispatched rescue crafts to the scene. The 12 crew on board were safely rescued. A large oil spill formed estimated around 2,000 litres from the ruptured fuel tanks. The authorities placed booms around the vessel to contain the pollution released while response crews begin clean up operations. Reports state the Longshan had some 35 tons of fuel oil with another 5 tons of diesel fuel on board. Local residents reported the strong smell of the oil pollution caused headaches and nausea with some to vomit. The Coast Guard stated the Longshan would be towed off the reef at the next high tide.