Zahro Express

The ferry Zahro Express exploded and caught fire off Muara Angke, Indonesia. The Zahro Express had departed from the port of Kali Adem, Muara Angke with 234 passengers bound for Tidung Island. After 15 minutes leaving port, the ferry suffered an explosion and resulting fire in the engine room. Dense smoke poured out of the compartment causing panic among the passengers. Passengers rushed forward to escape the smoke and flames. The crew was unable to control the blaze and sent out a distress call.

Some jumped overboard while others waited until rescue boats arrived on scene. Reports state some 194 persons were rescued. The Coast Guard was able to recover some 23 bodies of those who perished. An additional 17 persons were still reported as missing.
The fire consumed the superstructure of the Zahro Express. Authorities were eventually able to douse the flames, but only the lower hull remained. An investigation has been launched into the incident.